Tag Your It!!!
TAG YOU’RE IT! Fundraising Campaign
Clearwater High School Alumni Association is targeting all classes from 1950 through 2006 (classes will have had a chance to experience a 10 yr. reunion) to contribute $100 annually to the scholarship fund at The Pinellas County Education Foundation. The program is called TAG YOU’RE IT!
It works like this. A grad from a particular class calls another and says, Tag You’re It! the other responds with “What does that mean”? It means you are responsible for the $100 to go into the fund this year. You may call the class treasurer for it. You may call other grads to contribute to it, or you may take care of it yourself. The grad who received the call will tag someone the following year and on and on it goes.
The Alumni Association does not collect dues. All grads and attendees are members. All funds raised are through a golf tournament or other contributions of which most are given back to the students of CHS. Our annual cost to operate is minimal each year. We would like the Scholarship to reach the point of endowment so that it doesn’t have to rely on a successful golf tournament each year. We want the tournament to help and we want to have fun, but we know to reach the point of endowment ($25000) it will take more. We think “TAG YOU’RE IT! is the best way and most economical.
For more explanation call Jim Barber 727 215 2614