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CHS College and Career Center
Alumni, we all say we would like to contribute…but we never get around to doing anything. Here is a perfect opportunity to support the students and families of CHS. They need help with college explorations, applications and financial planning. Many of us have the life experience and you will also get training. If you are…

The Almost Annual Golf Tournament
Hello Golfers, Sponsors and Alumni Due to the lingering effects of the Corona Virus and its potential, it has been decided that we will once again postpone the Alumni Golf Tournament. Once determined, a future date will be announced. Thank You for your patience, understanding and continued support. GO TORNADOES! As this is our primary…

Island Estates Women’s Club Scholarship Information
Clearwater High School SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Island Estates Women’s Club Scholarship Information The Island Estates Women’s Club is happy to inform you that we will again be awarding scholarships to one or more graduating female students at Clearwater High School. The candidates for these scholarships should meet the following criteria: • They must be members of…
CHS Success Stories for 2015-2016
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CHS Alumni Scholarship Recipients 2018
The CHS Senior Academic Awards Ceremony was held on Wednesday, May 1, 2018. Many students received recognition as outstanding students in various departments, such as English, Math, Science, PE, and Arts. Scholarships were also awarded by the CHS Class of 1965, the CHS Class of 1968, Marine Corps, Sons of American Revolution, I Can Award,…