Reminisce and Remember Event 2/22/20
Today was the day for many of us to reunite with our classmates and walk the halls of CHS for the last time before major construction starts. Approximately 1,000 of us sat in the auditorium and listened to the Principal, Keith Mastorides, the Superintendent, Dr, Michael A. Grego and Mayor George Cretekos give us the lowdown on what will be happening to the school during the next 30 months with a budget of $53 Million dollars. The school, as we know it, will never be exactly the same. Big Big changes are in the works. They presented slides of the school from the past to the future visions of the school. I took pictures of some of the slides so those of you that could not attend could get an idea of the changes. After the presentation, we were treated to some refreshments in the cafeteria, a photo booth and even ice cream. The band was entertaining, t-shirts were for sale, photo’s were being taken and everyone was having a wonderful time visiting with old and new friends.