Prom photo from 1958 – 1959
Well, it’s called the Almost Annual Golf Tournament for a reason! Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus, the Alumni Association is now canceling the golf tournament that was originally scheduled on May 3, 2020. Any prepayments for Players or Sponsors will be applied to the 2021 Event! Our fearless leader, Jim Barber, will…
Having never been to Ford’s Garage on Enterprise until recently..I was pleasantly surprised to see this on the menu: See Picture! Great way to honor the memory of Jack Wilson and to honor the current Principal, Keith Mastorides! Great job Ford’s Garage and the food was good too!!!
Happy Hanukkah to our family and friends The Jewish Festival of Rededication, also called the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day celebration that falls each year on the Hebrew calendar date of 25 Kislev, which generally falls in December in the Gregorian calendar. (In 2021, Hanukkah is November 28 through December 6.) Hanukkah, also referred…
I am sincerely honored to have been selected as the recipient of the Crimson and Gray Award. Thank you for your generosity, my educational pursuits would not be possible without generous support from scholarship sponsors like yourself. As I plan to begin my education at University of Florida, I am very thankful for receiving your…
Hello Alumni, Click on the link below to check out all our awesome sponsors for the May 7, 2017, Golf Tournament!!! 2017SponsorList (3)
Congratulations to Mary Roble and Keith Mastorides! They have been recognized by the Tampa Bay Lightning and Chase Bank as Pinellas County Outstanding Educators! They are two of six recognized in our district. They will be recognized on March 28th at the Lightning game when they play the Toronto Maple Leafs! Congratulations for your hard…