Obituary for William G Justice
Obituary for William G. Justice
On June 24, 2020, Bill went to his Lord and to be reunited with Marian, the love of his life.
Bill was born in Asheville NC where he developed his work ethic and athletic abilities. He was the middle child of a family of incredibly talented athletes. He received a football scholarship to Rollins College in Winter Park FL. While at Rollins, Bill met his great love, Marian Russ, and following graduation in 1943, they married in Marianna, FL.
Bill served in the US Marine Corps during WWII. He saw active duty in the Pacific and received a Purple Heart for injuries received in combat on the island of Tinian. He continued to serve in the Marine Reserves, was active in organizing the Jr ROTC/USMC at Clearwater High School, and retired with the rank of Colonel.
Following WWII, Bill and Marian moved to Clearwater with son Garry. He began his career at Clearwater High School teaching math and coaching (among other sports) football. In 1947, ’48 & ’49, “Bill’s Boys” excelled in the Conference, bringing home the championship in 1948. He and his “Boys” have kept in touch for the past 70+ years. Bill also played for the Clearwater Bombers Softball Team during the same years.
Bill was called back to active duty during the Korean War and was stationed in Quantico VA. The family, now including daughter Julie, returned to Clearwater, and after a brief stint at Hillsborough High, he resumed his career at Clearwater High as football coach, teacher, Dean of Boys, Assistant Principal and Principal. In addition to his teaching and administrative skills, he was well known for his true concern for all students – and for playing his harmonica at student assemblies! Bill retired from education as Assistant Superintendent for the Pinellas County Schools in 1981.
Bill was active at Trinity Presbyterian Church as deacon, elder and Sunday school teacher for the MacKenzie and Chi Rho classes. He was also the one who opened the doors and turned on the HVAC every Sunday morning!
After retirement, Bill was elected to the Clearwater City Commission and served on many boards and committees, including the Parks and Recreation Board. He was named Mr Clearwater and Citizen of the Century by the Clearwater City Commission.
Through the years, Bill served in numerous civic organizations, including the Lions Club, Springtime Kiwanis Club (Lt. Governor), Military Order of the World Wars, The Clearwater Historical Society, Clothes to Kids and served on the boards of the Salvation Army and UPARC. His professional associations included FEA/NEA (pre-strike), Florida Administrators Association, Phi Delta Kappa and FREA.
Bill is preceded in death by his wife of 77 years, Marian; parents PW and Nell (Foster) Justice; siblings Dale, Jack, Frances, Joe, Charles and Neil. He is survived by son Garry (Carol), granddaughter Molly Wainscott (Derek) and daughter Julie Griffith and grandson Boyce Griffith.
Even as his health declined, Bill continued to sing his favorite song to anyone who asked him how he was doing:
“I’ve been sitting here thinking back over my life
All of the good things, the trouble and strife
Well, my share of heartaches, yes, so many I’ve had
But I still think the good things outweigh the bad.”
Bill was 98 glorious years old, and died comfortably in his sleep.
Memorial Contributions may be made to the Bill Justice Scholarship Fund at Clearwater High School or the Clearwater Historical Society.