Let us say farewell to our fellow alumni. We honor the amazing lives of our friends and classmates who have passed away. When we are unable to determine the exact date of a classmate’s passing, we are using the date of January 1 and the year of their passing.

We are relying on you, the Alumni, to provide us with the information on the passing of your classmates. To notify us of a death of a classmate or family member, please email via our contact form.

1 33 34 35 36 37 42
NameClass ofDate of Death
William "Bill" Boatner1950?02/13/2018
Joyce Evelyn Boteler Forth194602/08/2018
Russell Chesley III1963?12/18/2017
John P. Hughlett194801/10/2018
Joe G. McElveen, Sr.194501/12/2018
Patricia Hope "Pat" Archibald195712/31/2017
Patricia "Pat" Padgett Gendron194801/03/2018
Michael Rand "Randy" Hester197402/29/2016
Christine R. Nodine194712/09/2017
Robin Hood Delphin196503/07/2013
Robert Alan "Bob" Blakely196611/15/2017
Hedy Marta Homuth10/28/2017
James Athanson196211/21/1996
Maria Sullivan Athanson196801/27/2017
Karen Milton Kenney197102/14/2014
Anne Morris Mooney195610/19/2017
Francis Otto "Frank" Robson197909/21/2017
Charles Richard "Dick" Short195310/08/2017
Edward Reynolds Maness195710/03/2017
Margaret Lee Rohrbacher197609/08/2017