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CHS Class of 1960 Reunion
CHS CLASS OF 1960 CELEBRATING 60+ YEARS! Things are starting to happen. The Reunion Committee for the Class of 1960 want to encourage each of you to join us for the Belated CHS 60th Reunion. Come enjoy seeing old friends and catch up on the past 60 years as we remember unforgettable events from our…
Winners of the 10th Almost Annual Golf Tournament at Clearwater Country Club on 5/7/17
Congratulations to the winners of the CHS Almost Annual Golf Tournament held on May 7, 2017 at the Clearwater County Club. The winning score was 57! The winning team consisted of J. C. Daugherty, Shaun Juhl, Robert Barber and Katy Barber Rice. Second place went to Billy Barber, Jason Barber, Ryan Vaught, Doug Martin. Third place went to Hoyt…

Ford’s Garage Menu
Having never been to Ford’s Garage on Enterprise until recently..I was pleasantly surprised to see this on the menu: See Picture! Great way to honor the memory of Jack Wilson and to honor the current Principal, Keith Mastorides! Great job Ford’s Garage and the food was good too!!!

Clearwater High School Class of 1971
The Class of 71 Reunion Committee is already planning an event for 2019 to Cuba on the Carnival Paradise from 11/18/2019 to 11/23/2019. Go to your website for more information: or Facebook page: Clearwater High School Class of 1971

Clearwater High Alumni Basketball Game
Calling all former Clearwater High Boys Basketball players from the 1980’s – 2010’s. On November 11th, CHS is hosting the 1st Annual CHS Alumni Basketball Game. The number of participants will determine how many games will be played. The Game will be held at the CHS gymnasium. It is a fundraiser for the basketball teams Christmas Tournament in Orlando…

Memorial Page
Just a reminder that the Alumni Association does have a Memorial Page. I try to keep it updated but as there are thousands of people who attended CHS over the years, I need your help! Here is a list of those classmates who passed away this year with the date of passing and the class…