Class of 1969 – 50th Reunion

CHS Class of 1969 – Reserve the Dates!

Hi fellow Tornado!
We have a great 50th Reunion planned for October 10-13, 2019 on the Clearwater waterfront. Fly is attached.  So, Reserve the Dates! Even more details will be forthcoming, but make your plans now!
We have reserved 40 beautiful rooms on Clearwater Beach, but more may be available if needed. Prices for most everything is in the flyer.

Check can be made out to CHS Class of 1969 and mailed to:
Gary LeFleur 1878 Del Robles Dr, Clearwater, FL 33764 or
You can pay through PayPal at, in a few weeks, once we get the class website revamped.

Our biggest job and challenge at this point is to locate the almost 300 classmates that we have lost touch with over the years. ***Please see the attached No-Contact List and help if you can.

We also have about 70 classmates we have some unreliable phones and addresses for, but No Email. Additionally, there are about 50 classmates we know of who have passed away.

Gary LeFleur (727) 488-2500

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