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Reminisce and Remember Event 2/22/20
Today was the day for many of us to reunite with our classmates and walk the halls of CHS for the last time before major construction starts. Approximately 1,000 of us sat in the auditorium and listened to the Principal, Keith Mastorides, the Superintendent, Dr, Michael A. Grego and Mayor George Cretekos give us the…
The Rumors Are True
They say you can’t believe everything you hear..but in this case it is true. Clearwater High School, as we know it, is being torn down and being replaced with a new modern version. The auditorium, band, chorus, gym will remain basically the same. Administration building is moving to Gulf to Bay between chorus and gym,…
CHS Class of 71 50th Reunion Registration Page
Here is the link to the Registration form for the upcoming reunion for the Class of 71 on Nov 5 and Nov 6, 2021. It’s really helpful to the reunion committee if you sign up early. It’s your 50th! Have a great time! CHS Class of 71 50th Reunion Registration Form
CHS College and Career Center
Alumni, we all say we would like to contribute…but we never get around to doing anything. Here is a perfect opportunity to support the students and families of CHS. They need help with college explorations, applications and financial planning. Many of us have the life experience and you will also get training. If you are…
Masque and Gavel
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Classmate Looking for Classmate
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